Miscellaneous Posts
Ulam and Sacks Spirals - Patterns in the prime number distribution visible in two different spirals - November 2017
Buffon's Needle - Estimating the value of π by dropping needles - November 2017
Sum > 1 - Estimating the value of e by simulation - November 2017
Fractals - Building beautiful fractals in Julia - November 2017
Monopoly - Simulating the game of Monopoly to find where players are likely to land - November 2017
Machine Learning Posts
t-SNE - Visualising high dimensional data - May 2018
Artificial Neural Networks - Notes on feed forward artificial neural networks - March 2015
GLMs - Notes on Generalised Linear Models - July 2015
Evolutionary Dynamics of the Ultimatum Game - MSc paper studying the evolution of strategies in the ultimatum game as a proxy for the evolution of fairness - September 2010